Midway Chapel
The Little Church Under The Pines
Non Denominational
From "Cook's History of Baldwin County 1st pub. 1925"

     In 1858, when the main building of the State Lunatic Asylum, as it was then called, was completed there appeared no particular use for the little chapel that stood in the grove in front of the institution; so it was put up at public sale and bought by Dr. Thomas Green. He then presented it to the citizens of Midway for a house of worship.
     The president of Oglethorpe University, Dr. Samuel K. Talmadge, and the professors, Mr. Robert C. Smith, Professor Charles Lane, and the pastors of the different churches in Milledgeville had services for the inmates of the Asylum. At that time there was no church within several miles of the Institution, and as some return for these kindly offices, given without remuneration, Dr. Green desired to present the little church to the citizens, and to remove it on the land of Oglethorpe University, whose trustees, therefore deeded the land to the citizens of Midway.
    When the Methodist and Baptist Churches were built in the vicinity, and supplied with pastors (1913-1916), there were no regular services held in the chapel. The flourishing Sunday School was removed to other churches. For twenty-five years there had been no other Sabbath School. Mr. John Orme had made a faithful superintendent. He was succeeded by Mr. Elbert Ramsey, who was superintendent for a number of years.  He had a very large and active Sabbath School until he was stricken with paralysis, dying  a few days later. He was mourned by the entire community, but especially by the School with which he had labored. The doors were now closed except for an occasional night service.
   The house was badly in need of repairs but friends rallied, and soon the little church under the pines presented a pleasing picture. The Christian Church having no edifice appealed to the trustees for the use of the Chapel. This solved the problem. On Sunday mornings the door were open and classes gathered as of yore, under the superintendency of Mrs. O.M. Ennis and her assistant, Miss Floride Allen. In 1916 the Christian Church, Hardwick was erected, and the Sunday School was removed to the church.
   Since that time the little church has had occasional services held by visiting pastors.

Eileen Babb McAdams website copyright 2004